PCEA's 2020 Annual Conference Will Focus on Transforming Image, Text, and Medium

PCEA is inviting proposals for our next annual conference, which will be held at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania in April 2020. Our theme this year is "Engendering Narrative: Transforming Image, Text, and Medium."
"Living substance conquers the frenzy of destruction only in the ecstasy of procreation."--Walter Benjamin
We're excited to join a scholarly conversation rooted in the works of Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Helen Vendler, and Michael Saler, exploring the ways in which artists engage their own social, political, and cultural values as they create art, in turn considering how the artistic past engenders the artistic present. How is narrative created and engendered? What engenders creativity and the production of narratives? Along the way, we'll encourage those interested in participating in the conference to imagine the ways that literary and other art histories, literary theory, and critical thought help to bring into existence new narratives, in traditional as well as burgeoning fields of English Studies.
Areas of Interest
PCEA looks forward to welcoming proposals in a wide array of areas of English studies for the 2020 meeting; our collective collaboration only enriches our consideration of the various topics we cover. We are excited to read proposals from graduate and undergraduate students and independent scholars, as well as those currently working in academe. Send us your ideas for panels, roundtables, and posters sessions!
Our deadline for proposals is January 20, 2020. You can see our full CFP here.So get started on those abstracts! Abstracts can be submitted via email to PCEAconference2020@gmail.com We're looking forward to seeing you at Slippery Rock!